28 de gen. 2009

Caminant entre pedres, anant cap a casa. Quina casa?
Sovint tot es confón i només buscam una finalitat a les coses. Potser el més important no és l'objectiu sinó el camí per aconseguir-ho, el camí que cream passa a passa. Per què cercar raons a la vida?
Potser és hora de deixar de mirar el quadre de la nostra vida i fer de pintors, jugar a ser déus, viure-la de veritat. No em vull aixecar un dia i veure que tot el que m'enrevolta m'és desconegut, que ja no conec res...
Potser, sempre es quedarà tot en un potser.
...Definetly maybe...
Yesterday i got lost in the circus,f
eeling like such a mess.
And now I'm down,I'm
just hanging on the corner.
I can't help but reminisce.
Cuz when you're gone,
all the colours fade.
When you're gone,
no new years day parade.
You're gone,
colours seem to fade.
Your mama called, she said,
that you're downstairs crying.
Feeling like such a mess.
Ya, i hear ya,
in the back ground balling.
What happened to your sweet summer time dress.
I know we all,
we all got our faults.
We get locked in our vaults,
and we stay..
When you're gone,a
ll the colours fade.
When you're gone,
no new years day parade.
You're gone,c
olours seem to fade,c
olours seem to fade.